Thursday, June 4, 2009

Rassa-frassin' KIDS with their rassa-frassin' JET ENGINES!

Yep, the reviews are back! And this time, it's ROTF Ransack!
Holy crap, he's a biplane! Tha's even cooler than the prop plane G2 Ransack was!
But seriously, Hasbro must have said "Hey, antyhing will sell in this line, and the Scout class is gonna be the new Deluxe in this economy, soooo..." Bam. We get a Transformer with an eniterely new altmode.
A front view if the biplaner.

Side view.

To transform this little guy, you need to unpeg his arms frum underneath his lower wings, remove the wingtips of his lower wings and put thim into position on his upper wings. Then...

You twist his tail/back fuselage around and split it intwo. Move the upper leg panels to the side (THis often causes the entire leg to fall off, so BE CAREFUL), and reposition his tailfins as feet. You move his upperwings to his back and fold 'em down...

Then you clip on what's left of his lower wings into the same two struts that kept his upper wings in place during jet mode. You flip down the propellor, and pull out the awesome little head.

He also has an alternate robot mode, where you pill his upper wings back up, and put his propellor back up. This looks so much cooler than his regular robot mode, IMO, that I prefer to keep him that way.

"Rassa frassin' arm always fallin' off! If I had a stick, I'd beat ya with it!"

If my camera didn't suck, you could clearly see he was supporting his back with his hand. He's s'posed to be an old worn-out former flying ace from when flight was developed on Cybertron.
He is also a tiny god.