Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pics of some of Team Thrull!

As some of you know, I write up little bios for TFA versions of characters from previous franchises on occasion. Well, I found someone who will put those characters into illustration for me! His name is Gunrage, and he's a fellow user on the Allspark forums. He provided all these awesome pics of some of my Decepticon Animated adaptations: Team Thrull!
Tidal Wave
"Tidal Wave, Tidal Wave, Tidal Wave..."
The largest DECEPTICON ever constructed, TIDAL WAVE is a behemoth with deadly firepower. Captain by TEAM THRULL, TIDAL WAVE was created after SHOCKWAVE used his LONGARM PRIME disguise to look at the specs for the AUTOBOT superweapon OMEGA SUPREME. The DECEPTICON scientist SCALPEL decided to use this, and created a monster five times the size of the fable AUTOBOT. Now, TIDAL WAVE slumbers under the waters of the Atlantic Ocean near Miami, soaking up geothermal power to recharge...

"I slaggin' hate everything."
If there is one word that can decribe BONECRUSHER, it would be hate. BONECRUSHER hates other DECEPTICONS, even his commander, SCOURGE, but he would hate getting slagged, so he keeps it quiet. What BONECRUSHER really hates, though, are those pesky AUTOBOTS. They're always trying to fight him, but, fortunately for BONECRUSHER, he can extend his arms out to grab his opponents and rip them in half with his strength. He kinda likes that.

"The fear you feel is my strength."
Next to MEGATRON, no DECEPTICON is as feared in the AUTOBOT ranks as SCOURGE. Long ago, he was the one who trained Megatron to assassinate the former leader of the DECEPTICONS and take over. Now assigned as one of MEGATRON'S GENERALS OF DESTRUCTION and leading the deadly TEAM THRULL, which consists of other Decepticons he has trained in the art of war, he and his team have become the stuff of nightmares for younger Autobots. Woe betide any who cross him, as he will find them... and execute them in the most brutal manner possible.

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