Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I am Superman.

As many of you fellow Transfans may now, Roger Ebert hated Revenge of the Fallen. He has gone back to say how much he hates it not one, not two, but three times. As a matter of fact, in the third go-round, he not only attacked the non-Transfan audience who enjoyed it, calling them "unevolved," but also said that Transformers fans are "nine blooms short of a bouquet." See for yourself.

In response, I'd like to tell you something, Mr. Ebert: Your opinion that our opinion is wrong... Is wrong. An opinion cannot be proven to be right or wrong unless it has some evidence. For instance, your opinion that Revenge of the Fallen was a bad movie is merely that: an opinion. I myself am avoiding this film due to the offensive material found within, which are mostly poor attempts at comedy. Still, you're pretty much stooping to the level of a child who will call another child "stupid" or "dumb" if that other child likes something he dislikes. Sure, we may all act a little crazy and/or stupid at times, some of us more than others, but by no stretch of the imagination are the majority of us idiotic manchildren who do nothing but play with toys. We have lives; we have jobs; we have families, wives, husbands, and childrenwho love us. More to the point, We all come together because we have one thing in common: a love of a franchise that has been as much a part of our lives as movies are a part of yours.

As a matter of fact, Mr. Ebert, by insulting the Transformers fandom, you are insulting yourself. Fellow Transfan Greg Sepelak put it best in his rant, where he stated that ANYONE who likes ANY PART of Transformers is a fan. Since you liked the first movie, that makes you a fan. Heck, there are fans that, just like you, hated Revenge of the Fallen, just as there are many fans who loved Revenge of the Fallen.

To fellow Transformers fans: Stop proving him right about us with your hatemail. Your immature actions are the very reason why he considers us "nine blooms short of a bouquet." If you could all act more mature and intelligently argue your position, then he wouldn't have a real reason to ridicule us. The less like whiny fanboys we act, the better. I know that there is no way we can all get along and, say, agree that Transformers Animated was the best Transformers series ever, or that G1 wasn't that great aside from Furman and Budiansky's comics and the aniamted movie, but we don't need to be so darn HOSTILE about our differences. And those of you who sent death threats to Michael Bay and Bob Skir certainly aren't helping us change our image. And, the constant mocking of other fandoms, such as (don't shoot me) the Twilight fandom for the actions of their more irrational members is just what Mr. Ebert is doing to us. And it hurts. So perhaps we should merely criticize the WORK, and not the fans. Not all Twilight fans are idiotic fangirls who want Edward Cullen's babies. Just as there are hardcore G1 purists and more moderate fans of Transformers, there are irrational estrogen-driven fans of Twilight, and there are more moderate fans who acknowledge it's not a great book, but it's at least entertaining for them, just as Revenge of the Fallen isn't a great movie, but it's at least entertaining for us. (Am I safe from the rabid Twihaters? Good.)

Basically, Mr. Ebert, your opinion on Revenge of the Fallen, and the fans, are both just as wrong as the opinions of the people and fans who liked Revenge of the Fallen. By that, I mean both are equally valid opinions. Opinions, unlike facts, cannot be proven right or wrong. That is what seperates an opinion from a fact. No matter how much you may dislike something or someone, there is always one person who will either like that something or be fans of that someone. And us Transformers fans fondly remember Transformers from our childhoods, whether we grew up with the original Generation One in the 80's, or Beast Wars in the 90's, or even the Unicron Trilogy of the 2000's. So, insulting a whole group of people who have many interests other than Transformers, such as anime, comics, video games or even -gasp- film, INCLUDING -gasp gasp- great films such as WALL-E or 2001: A Space Odyssey is rather demeaning and immature. Most of the more mature members of the fandom certainly don't go around insulting film buffs such as yourself. We often agree with you on films such as The Godfather or Up. We like good films as much as the next person, whether they be a classic such as Citizen Kane or a new masterpiece such as the Dark Knight. However, we may also like films you consider bad. Like Revenge of the Fallen. And that, Mr. Ebert, is our opinion, no matter how "wrong" you may think it is.

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